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Ravenstone Primary School

Children fulfilling their potential in the heart of the community

Welcome to
Ravenstone Primary

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Ravenstone is a fantastic school. Every child that steps
through the gates is welcomed into an aspirational, creative
community that focuses on allowing children to flourish as
confident individuals and reach their potential academically.

As a Headteacher I passionately believe that we can allow our children to
experience a wide range of creative enrichment opportunities and develop as
confident, caring individuals who also excel academically. It is this mixture that
makes Ravenstone so special. We will not sacrifice either of these elements.Read full message


Dear Parents,

Our Ravenstone vision is ‘Children reaching their potential in the heart of the community’. We passionately believe that every child can achieve while experiencing a curriculum that is filled with exciting and enriching opportunities that instills them with the values that will allow them to flourish as individuals and as part of our Ravenstone community.

At Ravenstone we value the development of the whole child. We use every interaction we have with the children to promote our five core values. We do this because we believe that there is more to education that facts and knowledge. Our belief is that if our core values are truly instilled and understood by our children, they will have a deep knowledge of themselves and be able to succeed in the world around them and most importantly, grow to become happy, kind, honest, creative and determined adults.

Our core values are;

                                         Creative          Determined          Happy          Honest          Kind       Respectful

This promotion of our values shapes our school, the curriculum and ultimately the children and staff. We use the values to celebrate when the children show great progress, achievement and success and the values in turn have also taken the place of school ‘rules’ and are the heart of our wellbeing and behaviour policy.

We really hope you enjoy finding out about our core value family in this booklet. Keep your eyes peeled for them in action!


Cally Creative is always raring to unleash her imagination on a new challenge. Her silky tail is a curious shape — it’s like a question-mark — and she uses it to creatively solve problems. She dips it in sparkling paint and sets to work exploring ideas.

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Dorothy Determined never gives up. This young comet is aiming high and reaching for the stars. Nothing will stop her from getting there.

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You can’t help but smile when you look at Hannah Happy. Her beautiful, bright colours spread joy wherever she goes. Things aren’t always sunny for Hannah but that is what makes her special. Even when it is stormy she stays optimistic and sees happiness as she dances in the rain.

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What a dependable value Hugo Honest is. Reliable and trustworthy — his incredibly sensitive nose helps him to sniff out what is right from what is wrong.

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Kedrick Kind is a mighty value. He has the ability to fill hearts, solve problems and make our community warm and loving.

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Rahimah understands the role she has to play supporting people’s choices and caring for others. Her iridescent orb is a beacon for respect, helping Rahimah to challenge meanness and inequality.

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