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Ravenstone Primary School

Year 2 Weekly Review

Weekly Review

We have had a busy, quick week this week! In RE we looked at humanism, the belief that you should always live a happy, fulfilling life. We observed the world around us and created a list of things that were beautiful, and things that were suffering as a result of humans living in the environment. During PSHE, we discussed the difference between needs and wants, and how we deal with our emotions when we don’t get what we want. 


This week in maths we have started learning about time. We have looked at o'clock, a quarter past/to, and half past. We looked at the link between fractions and time to help us understand what a quarter past/to means, and that there are 4 quarters in an hour, and two halves. 


We have started a new, wordless book called Journey by Aaron Becker. It is a fantastic story of a little girl with a magic crayon who creates her own adventures! We discussed and described the fantasy world, using expanded noun phrases and similes to describe the unfamiliar setting. 

Spare clothes: Dear parents and carers, if your children have grown out of old school uniform clothes for Ravenstone, please could we ask that you donate any that you wouldn't mind giving up or if you are unsure about what to do with them. These would be very useful to younger children in Year 1. Many thanks. 

Homework - Homework books are given out every Friday and are due back in on the Wednesday of the following week.

Times table Rockstars and Numbots - Login details for Numbots, Purplemash and Timestables Rockstars are in the front of the children's homework books.

Dance and Music On Tuesdays for Spring 2:

2C - Dance

2M - Music


PE for 2C is on Monday (Wear PE kit).

PE for 2M is on Thursday (wear PE kit)