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Ravenstone Primary School


Weekly Review 17th May 2024

 Weekly Review:

Another action packed week in Year 1 saw lots of fun learning and an incredible trip to the Polka Theatre to see ‘The Colour of Dinosaurs’.  It was incredible to hear from Dr Jakob Vinther the scientist who discovered the actual colour of dinosaurs as well as some very catchy songs.  We now all feel ready for our Summer Productions on 9th or 10th July.  In Science we looked at grouping animals into diurnal or nocturnal groups.  In Computing we continued our coding topic by looking at different programs on Purple Mash in 2Code.  We completed some challenges using blocks of code to build algorithms. In Geography we learnt about the biggest fish in the world, ‘The Whale Shark, and how it travels around the warm waters around Oceania. 


This week saw us returning to the Yoto Carnegie Award books.  This week’s book was all about a rabbit trying to control its fears about the wolves in its dreams.  We used this to write descriptive sentences about wolves and write creative ways to stop the wolves.  We also wrote some fantastic recounts about our trip to the theatre. In Phonics we revised our learning on the following GPCS: oy (boy), i (tiger), a (paper) & ow (snow). We also revised the tricky words; two, eye, through, & thought. 


In Maths we continued looking at coins and money. We were counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We also started looking at coins by starting with a 1p.


In PSHE we learned about looking after people at different stages of their childhood. 

PE & Dance: 

1D will have PE on Friday and 1P will be back to their normal Thursday lesson. 1D will have Music on Tuesday while 1P will have Dance on Tuesday. Children can come to school wearing their kits on PE and Dance days and will get changed as part of their lessons if they want to.  This will change after half term so 1D will have Dance and 1P will be having music.


A huge thanks to all the parents that volunteered to join us on our trip!

Our last showing assembly of the half term will be next week (24th May).

After half term school will restart on Tuesday 4th June.

The Year 1 Team

Mr Davidson, Miss Purssey, Lisa and Sue