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Ravenstone Primary School


 For week ending 3rd May 2024.

 Weekly Review 

This week in English we have been writing a series of diary entries as though we were a member of Shackleton's crew. We made sure to include a range of events on the journey so that our diary entries portrayed a variety of emotions. 


In maths we have been working hard on revising a range of topic areas in preparation for our tests. Topics have included BODMAS, Algebra, Area, Coordinates and Pie charts.


We hope you all have a restful weekend. We can’t wait to welcome you back next week.

Year 6 Team



 6D have PE on Thursdays and Dance on Tuesdays.


6WD have PE on Wednesdays 


Children are allowed to come to school already wearing their PE kit on PE days, providing their kit fully complies with the Ravenstone Uniform Policy. They should come in normal school uniform on Dance days, bringing their Dance kit with them to change into at school.